How Not to Become a Groomzilla or Bridezilla While Planning

How Not to Become a Groomzilla or Bridezilla While Planning

Your Destination Wedding

Planning a destination wedding is supposed to be fun! You and your beloved can get creative and make the decorations, ceremony, and attire all your own. While the year ahead is going to be magical, engaged couples who don’t handle stress well can start to lash out under pressure.

This is especially true during a destination wedding where family members may or may not be particularly supportive. You don’t have to walk down the aisle in a flowy white dress to be called a bridezilla, so follow these tips to make sure your wedding doesn’t go down in infamy.

Stick to What’s Important (And Forget What’s Not)

Most groom/bridezillas need constant control over all things. They want to dictate every last detail from the coconuts on the palm trees to how many lights come in a strand. If you worry about all of these little things, then you’ll never truly appreciate your wedding day.

Sit with your partner and make a Top 10 list of the most important wedding elements to each of you. You might insist that priest officiates, while your partner might want you to write your own vows. But as long as your Top 10 list happens, it won’t matter what kind of garnish is on the fruit salad.

Have Patience with Stubborn Family Members

Destination wedding couples can encounter many barriers due to family members. Some of your family members might disapprove of whom you’re marrying and your destination wedding plans. Some will involve themselves in your ceremony and try to push a square peg into a round hole. If you’re close to these relatives, look for ways to compromise. They need to understand that you’re not wearing a dress (just for example), but letting them walk you down the aisle might give them the special moment that they need. Patience is key in these situations.

Ask Someone to Plan a Zilla-Intervention

If you and your partner even suspect that you’ll become bride- or groomzillas, then pull a friend aside and ask them to stage an intervention when you start to get out of control. You might be calm when you’re visiting the venue on a beach in Cancun, but then lose your temper when organizing the seating chart at home. Give this person a guide to calm you down and let you know that this bride- and groomzilla behavior is unacceptable.

Not only will remaining calm help you and your significant other enjoy the wedding, it will also help you stay on budget. Bride- and groomzillas are notorious for spending whatever it takes to make their day perfect, which will start your marriage off with debt. By focusing on the celebration of love between you, all of the small details that rile you up will melt away.